细胞生物学家、组织工程师和生物医学研究人员的首选第3代 - 3D生物打印机。


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虽然我们提供了广泛的生物材料组合,但我们理解必须让BIO X与任何生物材料兼容的必要性和重要性。

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我们的专利洁净室™技术拥有内置紫外线杀菌和HEPA过滤器,使BIO X能将生物安全柜的无菌性带到工作台上。

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我们的智能打印头系列为BIO X的用户带来了最大的灵活性和互换性。开发打印头是为了提高许多不同生物加工项目的适应性。

可兼容的 DNA Studio 4

第3代 BIO X 利用了当今最先进、强大功能的生物打印软件。



BIO X与任何材料的兼容性成为当今最大科学突破的前沿。成为领导者在这个行业的首选生物打印机。无论您是要实现自动化 3D 细胞培养,开发复杂的组织结构,还是测试新药物,BIO X 所提供的高级功能和多功能性,可以帮助您简化各个应用领域中的工作流程。


内置的紫外线灭菌和 HEPA 过滤器将生物安全柜的无菌性带到工作台上。

两个大功率风扇能够通过 HEPA H14 过滤器引导空气流动,可清除高达 99.995% 的有害颗粒和微生物,作为 Clean Chamber™的一部分,该技术还包括UV-C杀菌灯、圆形边缘和正气压。




我们提供了广泛的生物墨水产品组合,外加我们深知材料开发的重要性,因此我们将 BIO X 设计为一个开放系统,确保能够与最广泛的材料相兼容。您可以使用我们高质量生物墨水开发您自己的生物墨水,或者采用任何现成的合适生物打印墨水产品。





BIO X 是全球市场上第一款配备智能打印头(iPH)的3D生物打印机,确保您的研究始终处于最前沿。


Designed to do even more

The BIO X’s exceptional features maximize versatility to enhance your success in the following application areas and beyond.

3D cell culture
Three-dimensional cell cultures offer multiple advantages over 2D cell cultures, including the precise geometrical arrangement of multicellular constructs that can better recapitulate the native 3D human physiology. Extrusion-based bioprinters such as the BIO X offers great flexibility when designing 3D cell culture systems, as they allow researchers to precisely control geometries and the spatial patterning of cells and other biomaterials.
Tissue models and engineering

The BIO X allows for 3D bioprinting with up to three printheads, enabling multi-material and multi-cell flixbility during small and large tissue engineering. The world’s your oyster.


The merger of bioprinting and microfluidics opens the door to on-demand and personalized organ-on-a-chip models and may replace many preclinical steps in future drug trials. The BIO X, combined with microfluidic systems like the VasKit perfusion system allow for complex organ-chip models; and multi-printhead technology can be used in a one-step fabrication design with spatial heterogeneity of tissues.

Drug delivery
Bioprinters can do more than print with cells, they can also be used for fabricating hydrogel drug encapsulation and extended-release technologies. The BIO X bioprinter offers a variety of printheads that are compatible with different hydrogels. Drugs and bioactives can be mixed within the hydrogels and printed in patterns such as large patches or micrometer-sized beads.
Soft robotics
Biohybrid soft robotics is an emerging field that combines material science, biomechanics, sensing, and cells. The advantage of utilizing 3D bioprinting is the ability to fabricate systems with precise geometries and spatial patterning of cell types. Such systems can be further integrated or bioprinted with advanced nanomaterials and biosensors to enable more diverse controls and functions.


外尺寸 (L*W*H),mm 477x441x365
重量,kg 18
构建体积,mm 130 x 90 x 70 mm
构建表面兼容性 多孔板、培养皿、载玻片
分辨率 XY,μm 1
层分辨率,μm 1
压力范围(内部泵),kPa 0-200
压力范围(外部空气供给),kPa 0-700
打印头插槽数 3
光固化源(内置),nm 365, 405, 485, 520
打印床温度范围,℃ 4-65
打印头温度范围,℃ 4-250 (具体视打印头而定)
过滤器类别,腔室气流 HEPA 14
紫外杀菌 UV-C (275nm), 20mW 输出
校准选项 手动和自动(基于超声)
用户界面 集成显示器,DNA Studio
DNA Studio 操作系统兼容性 Windows
连接 USB 存储、以太网连接、Wifi
支持的文件格式(软件) .gcode, .stl
